Write Better GPU Applications and Save Time
With TotalView, developers can quickly and easily debug CUDA and OpenACC code for better performing GPU applications.
With TotalView You Can:
- Easily launch CUDA and HIP applications under the control of the debugger.
- Seamlessly set breakpoints in host and kernel GPU code.
- Actively debug multiple GPUs on one or more cluster nodes.
- Debug CUDA applications using the latest NVIDIA CUDA SDKs and GPUs on Linux x86-64, ARM, and PowerLE (Power9).
- Debug HIP applications using the latest AMD ROCm/HIP SDKs and GPUs on Linux x86-64.
- Quickly pinpoint issues in highly parallel GPU programs.
- Improve your codes’ use of GPUs and CPUs.
TotalView Supports:
- Latest NVIDIA CUDA releases on their latest GPUs for Linux x86-64, Linux PowerLE (Power8/Power9), and ARM64 platforms.
- Latest AMD ROCm/HIP support on their latest GPUs for Linux x86-64.
- NVIDIA and Cray OpenACC debugging support.
- Debug embedded code on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier GPUs.

TotalView and CUDA
With built-in capabilities designed specifically for use with CUDA, you can use TotalView to:
TotalView and ROCm/HIP
Debug applications build with the ROCm software stack and HIP for AMD GPUs:
- Debug HIP (Heterogeneous Interface for Portability) code running on AMD and NVIDIA GPUs.
- Easily debug CPU and AMD GPU code in one session.ave full visibility into hierarchical device, block, and thread memory.
- Fast smart-stepping for efficient debugging of GPU code.
- Navigate device threads by logical and device coordinates.
- Data watchpoints on global memory variables.
- Debug applications that use multiple AMD devices at the same time.
- Debug MPI applications on AMD GPU accelerated clusters.
- Gain visibility into Linux and GPU device threads.
- Have full visibility into hierarchical device, block, and thread memory.

TotalView and ARM
TotalView supports current 64-bit ARMv8-A CPUs, so you can take advantage of the architecture's performance and energy savings.