Norway's NOTUR Project Nationally Launches Rogue Wave's TotalView
Rogue Wave Software, the largest independent provider of cross-platform software development tools and embedded components for the next generation of High Performance Computing (HPC) applications, announced that its TotalView debugger was chosen by The NOTUR Project as the debugger of choice for Norway's national academic HPC systems. Providing the IT service for Norway's academic HPC systems at universities in Oslo, Trondheim, Bergen and Troms, The NOTUR Project fulfills a pronounced and sustainable vision for a Norwegian infrastructure for High Performance Computing (HPC) and computational science. The goal of the project is to provide a modern, national HPC infrastructure in an international and competitive setting, and stimulate computational science.
Rogue Wave Software worked directly with The NOTUR Project to develop a unique national deployment strategy in order to allow all of the university members and system users to have wider access to the TotalView debugger. While numerous users already had access through individual licenses that had been acquired over the past ten years, the new agreement now allows the entire university user community to have increased functionality and capability of the TotalView debugging tool. By focusing its efforts at a national level, NOTUR was able to obtain a license solution that allows its users to debug their parallel applications at significant scales. NOTUR, like other major HPC centers, is bringing online additional resources to meet the increasing computational demands of its users. Since the TotalView license is not tied to a specific machine, NOTUR will benefit from the software not just with its current generation of hardware, but also with future installations.
"Working closely with each customer, Rogue Wave offers flexible solutions that provide strategic benefit for both current and next-generation supercomputing environments," stated Thomas Gaunt, Senior VP, Worldwide Sales at Rogue Wave Software. "Thanks to Rogue Wave's innovative business model, more users will now be able to debug at a much larger scale than they were previously capable. I believe that this licensing structure could be beneficial to many other countries and organizations."
"With the structure that Rogue Wave developed for our specific needs, we will be able to better manage our central resources so that all developers can have expanded access and think beyond their historic constraints," stated Jørn Amundsen, Project Manager, The NOTUR Project. "Our users are very pleased with TotalView and are particularly excited about its reverse debugging capabilities, which increase their productivity by allowing them to more quickly identify bugs by moving back and forth in their code."
Designed for developer productivity, TotalView simplifies and shortens the process of developing, debugging, and optimizing complex code. It provides a unique combination of capabilities for pinpointing and fixing hard-to-reproduce bugs, memory leaks, and performance issues. The most recent version of TotalView has several additional features at no extra cost, including debugging for CUDA and deterministic reverse debugging, which allows users to pause, rewind and playback the sessions to accurately identify and correct errors.